Welcome to the GLS Volunteer Team
Our Team Mission: Craft a distraction-free experience that provides moments for God to do transforming work in those attending.
GLS Dates: Thursday, August 8 and Friday, August 9
Your Team Leaders: Beth Mathews & Heidi Wilkens - Event Manager; Ty Wilkinson & Olivia O’Brien - Registration & Guest Check In; Chris House, Linda Couvion & Mike Mathews - Summit Breaks; Jill Rogers & Nancy Swartz - Guest Services; Michele Oaks & Deb Poling - Volunteer Coordinators
You are a valued member of our team!
We thank you in advance for making leadership bloom in our Dayton communities!
Join us in praying our Summit Scripture
Have questions or need to cancel?
Fill out the form below to send us a message so we can help!